
In January 2017, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) formally approved the AHPI as a National Accreditation Organisation (NAO) within the IUHPE Global Health Promotion Accreditation System. The goal of the Accreditation System is to promote quality assurance, competence and mobility in health promotion practice and education through a global system, which is designed to be inclusive, flexible and sensitive to different contexts while maintaining robust and validated criteria.

An Accreditation Board for Ireland has been established which includes a Chairperson and seven members from academia, statutory and voluntary sectors. Their role is to oversee the registration system. A panel of Assessors have been trained and a Sub-Group on Continuing Professional Development has also been formed. There is new section on Professional Registration within this website which contains more information on the eligibility criteria and application process.

As an NAO, the AHPI will be able to offer professional registration to Irish practitioners which is validated and globally recognised and which will entitle them to use the professional title ‘IUHPE Registered Health Promotion Practitioner.’

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Formed in 1997, the Association for Health Promotion Ireland provides a forum through which health promotion professionals can exchange knowledge and ideas.