


The Association will protect and promote the interests of health promotion staff working in Ireland. All members of the Association are expected to adhere to the principles of practice established by the Association. Pending agreement of this code, the UK Principles of Practice will be used.


  • 2.1 To advance good practice in health promotion.
  • 2.2 To promote health promotion activities that are in the best interests of the general public.
  • 2.3 To promote the expansion and development of health promotion.
  • 2.4 To provide and promote professional development for members.
  • 2.5 To gather and represent the views of members.
  • 2.6 To oversee and manage the registration of Health Promotion Practitioners in Ireland, in accordance with the processes set out by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education.
  • 2.7 To encourage joint working and to facilitate communication between staff working in the Republic and Northern Ireland.


  • 3.1 Our core membership is staff employed to undertake as their main role the facilitation and co-ordination of health promotion programmes.
  • 3.2 Decisions on accepting membership will be taken by the membership committee, with right of appeal to the Association’s Annual General Meeting.


  • 4.1 The Association’s financial year will run from 1st January to 31st December.
  • 4.2 An Annual General Meeting will be held before 30th April to receive motions from members, elect new officers as appropriate and receive reports from officers.
  • 4.3 Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by a majority of the officers or any member with written support of the majority of members.
  • 4.4 All general meetings must be notified to all members, with 28 days notice of the agenda and any motion(s). Meetings can go ahead if a minimum of seven members is present or 10% of membership or which ever is lowest. All motions will be deemed passed by a simple majority.


  • 5.1 The Association will seek nominations for the posts of Chair, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Nominations will be notified to members as set out in 4.4. If there is more than one nomination for any post, a postal ballot of members will be undertaken, and appointment will be based on a simple majority. If there is only one nomination for any post, then the appointment will be ratified by a general meeting.
  • 5.2 Appointments will be for two years in the first instance, with the possibility of re-election for a further term. Officers who have served a term of office, and wish to be considered for re-election will submit their nomination as 5.1.
  • 5.3 The Chair has executive responsibility between general meetings and will act as spokesperson for the Association. The Secretary will take notes of meetings and deal with related correspondence. The Treasurer shall hold and be responsible for all monies collected, issue receipts and memberships cards annually and provide an up-to-date Financial Statement for the AGM.
  • 5.4 Each Officer will be expected to cover expenses in relation to their role from their organisation budgets. The association will be expected to cover administration expenses as agreed by the Executive.
  • 5.5 The Executive Committee will be structured to allow for involvement of staff from the statutory, third level, and voluntary sector and independent practitioners as follows:
    • Statutory : 4 members
    • Voluntary: 2 members
    • Third Level: 2 members
    • Independent practitioner: 1 member
    • Other relevant practitioner, as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee - 1 member


The Association retains the option to levy a subscription to cover additional expenses, but these should be forecast and agreed by a General Meeting of the Association.


  • 7.1 Notes of meetings will be sent to those attending or send apologies. Copies may also be sent, by agreement, to other interested parties. Each set of notes will be accompanied by a call for additional agenda items for the next meetings. Dates for meeting will be set on a yearly basis, subject to confirmation.
  • 7.2 The Chair has discretion to invite guests, as appropriate to attend for all or part of a meeting.
  • 7.3 Officers and members may from time to time be asked to convene working groups to progress business. Such groups will be expected to report back through business meetings.

This constitution was adopted by the Association at its meeting on 5th June 2001 and amended in June 2006, April 2014, January 2015 and February 2019

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Formed in 1997, the Association for Health Promotion Ireland provides a forum through which health promotion professionals can exchange knowledge and ideas.